Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 28.

Get ready for the most intense written work I've ever written in my life. Why? Because, this day (April 28th, forgot to post it) deserves one. So, for those who do not like reading such seriousness, please, close the damn browser. Yes Marcus, I sorta am directing it at you. But, forreal, if you don't know why 0428 deserves a written piece, then just leave too. It doesn't concern anyone but myself, and I'm using this day as a motivation to write something that can help me reach the phatoms of my mind and heart.

Dearest 0428,

April 28th. One year. Twelve months. 54 weeks. 365 days. That's how long we've known each other's name. Not exact, just an approximate. It's been six, almost seven entire months. Today sucks ass. I keep having random flashbacks of us. What use to be and how much we got along. At least before we started arguing. I know, I've written countless things because of you, but what can I say? You've impacted me big. You've affected me to the point that I gave up messing with girl's hearts. I gave up the other girls. I gave up everything, to make us work. Of course, not immidiately. But I did. Eventually. After all, you can't change how a person is, unless the person is willing to change for you. But I don't change for just anyone. And you know what? I'm happy that I did change, because I'm much happier. Am I happier being single? Well, I'm unsure about that. I'm satisfied with being single, having so much spare time, focusing in school, bowling, basketball and photography. But am I 100% happy without anyone calling me at night, to ask how my day went? I'll admit, I miss having someone to talk the late hours of the night, I miss having someone to talk to on the phone, though the lack of phone conversation has made me less and less of a phone person. I also think I still hold some sort of attachment to her, seeing as I actually am not looking for a girlfriend. Or maybe it's about time I realized that I don't need one, ever. One of the few people that have taught me so much and have impacted me greatly. You've taught me how to stay independent. How to survive without the help of others, how to love someone with all my heart, how to make someone happy. All I'm saying is that I've learned a lot, and maybe, just maybe, I'm still trying to adjust to who I've changed into. I'm not rushing into a relationship, I'm not even looking for one. Heck, I don't see myself dating anyone for the next couple of months, even years, but I don't look that far ahead into the future. You've made me be someone stronger, someone better, someone wiser. Someone who is motivated, dedicated and committed. And I cannot thank you for that. Though you tore me and broke me, I'm still trying to get over you. Why? Because what we went through, what we endured, the arguements, the good times, the bad, the worse, the horrible, the painful and the smiles throughout it all, is the definition of true love.

I can only wish for the best, and I pray that you'll always be safe.

Truly yours,

1 comment:

MarcusWroks said...

There's actually only 52 weeks in a year. =P

And you're wrong bruh. In all seriousness, I'm here if you need to talk. Fam first, broham.

I might have to check with you about this whole thing, but I think I'm right. haha