We said that we didn't want a serious relationship.
Then it turns out that we both wanted a serious one with each other.
But we thought that the other one didn't want a serious relationship.
Can you spell EPIC FAIL?
Sigh, oh well. Life happens.
On another note, D-Pryde's song Moved On really hits me. I mean, I can relate almost word for word. It's kinda scary.
Next topic! Damn you ADD.
Today's real special. Well the day before. Twenty-eight is a day that is to never be special. Not going to explain why.
So let me restate that. The 27th of March is special. Real special. It's the birth of Egotistic Productions! The first day that me, Marcus (http://superegotistic.blogspot.com) and John, (http://snucksforthewin.blogspot.com) actually took initiative and started taking pictures for our combined awesome blogspot (http://egotisticproductions.blogspot.com). Better book mark all of those! What makes that day more awesome is it was the day that my friend, Danielle Roche, who creates awesome art, but my favourite work of her are the graphic designs, actually did the favour I asked from her. I asked her to create an EGOTISTIC logo for us and she did! And I must say, it is dope beyond my expectation. Thank you so much Danielle Roche. You can check out her work at: http://daniesque.net/. GO THERE NOW.
I just spent two hours working on the egotistic productions banner. I was suppose to take a nap before I head out, but I guess not. Kay, check out our site and we'll all be introducing ourselves. But first, let me introduce to the rest of the family.

Egotistic Productions!
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