Saturday, March 28, 2009

Drop Them Motherfuckers.

Played like a fool.
So, fuck it. I don't need this.
I don't need them, I most definitely need her.
Fuck it.
And it's certainly not worth my fucking time.
Like Franco said, "Just do how you do. If it's not enough, then it ain't worth it."
Truer words could have never been said.
Single life anyone?
Eminem, thank you for writing Superman.
Drop them motherfuckers.

On another, awesome-er note.
I have bowling at ten the next morning and I'm still up at two. Nice.
I think I'm going to need a drink of red bull or coffee.
Got the egotistic abstract art, thanks to my friend Danielle Roche. Thanks friend!
You guys should check her site. I'm not home, so I don't have it fave'd. But I'll post it up soon.

Serious things, fuck girlfriends. Single life forreal. Sticking to it this time. I think that God really wants me to keep my new year's resolution.

Let's recap.
Fuck Relationships. Not worth my fucking time.
Let's focus into more important, more productive things. My passions.
Photography; This keeps me sane.
Writing; First passion, first love, I will never leave you.

Lastly, family over every motherfucking thing.
Sorry, but lately, it seems that no one else matters except family.
They're all I got. They're the only ones who keep me sane.
They're the ones who I can honestly say I love you to.
That's all I gotta say.

One more thing,
I wanted things to work out.
You have no idea how much I want you.
I only wish you'd know what you're missing out.
You know I'm different and I'd treat you well.
Oh, the irony.

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