Saturday, February 7, 2009

Life's Getting Brighter & Better

She's happy, I'm happy. Iris is happy. Things are looking up.

Just some note to self reminders such and such.

1. social worker meeting at monday
2. neeed to sched more photoshoots, i.e. the other models
3. find more people interested in modelling for my portfolio.
4. upload pictures taken today
5. improve writing skills
6. master how to get along with iris perfectly.
7. i just wanted a number seven here.
8. im just wasting your time now
9. you're probably still reading
10. why are you still reading?
11. seriously, you're never going to get back this minute
12. post those model pictures from days ago.
13. hahahahahahaha


__chubby said...

thanks for everything buddy : )
I'm glad your happy

SINematic said...

i hope you're happy too :)