Thursday, February 19, 2009

Attempt Number Three

Damn me for being affectionate
Don't mention it.
Censor it.
Picture it,
Holding hands
It's all so bland
I'm not a fan,
What's it for?
I'm sick of it.
Get rid of it,
Bid on it.
I'm changing now,
Renewing vows,
Reviewing how
To stop the feelings
I'm done with dealing
I'm never stealing
Another heart
Or i'll have to part
Before feelings start
Damn these virus
From the iris
It's in our eyes
How they lie
To our mind
Saying that
We want her we want that
Put it back
You lack a vertabrae
You watch and pray,
But anyways
You watch out
Cuz without a doubt
You'll have one in your mouth

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