Thursday, May 21, 2009

Freeverse Poetry.

A Conversation With Myself.

And if the universe decides to put me in that situation, who am I to deny the will of the unknown?
No, I will accept it and make the best out of the situation that the universe has presented to me.
Because you see, I'm sick of relationship ships, always sinking like the Titanic ship.
From now on, I'll sit on the sidelines, making observations, while partaking in conversations giving out advices, to those in a crisis.
I can open up my own conservation for the broken heart.
Help those who's been torn apart, then left for dead with a missing part.
Recently, I've let my past hurt tell me what I'm worth.
Because long ago, I thought I knew what love was.
But that notion left me with battle scars reminders of what was.
It was almost a year back when I thought I had that word figured out.
Telling myself that, this is what life's all about.
But the cycle can't be denied, like how the truth can never hide.
In seven words or less, I hoped it ended for the best.
But right now, I feel like I'm being held down.
And that's kept me from opening up, so that I'll never fuck up and left fucked up.
But I'm done with that.
I'm back and I've placed the flashbacks and all that in the deepest corner of my mind.
Left it behind and moving forward to a new time.
New memories to replace the ones haunting me.
Let me start over.
It's obvious that we're bothered with thoughts about the other.
So let's cut to the chase, unless you want to be chased.
I'd like to get to know you inside and out, so that without a doubt, i can confidently say that I know you inside out.
But there's no need to rush, this isn't lust.
Jumping right in fucked me too much, so taking our time, is a definite must.
Let's take it slow, like turtles walking across the sandy beach and into the setting sun.
Have you wanting more with each conversation, have your heart pacing like it was partaking in a triathalon run.
But for now, I'm done, I'm officially retiring, turning in the pink slip.
Because Cupid sends me arrows, but love just seems to give me the slip.

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