Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Artist Statement.

Q: Why do you consider yourself an artist?

A: I consider myself an artist. Artists use their talents to get their message across, they have an undeniable passion for their creative outlet, they never let anyone's words break their way of self expression and they never let anyone get in the way of their dreams. So yes, I am an artist.

Q: As an artist, what do you think of other people's work?

A: Self expression, you can't judge that. There's no such thing as a bad artwork or even a written. It's all self expression like I always say. But some art work are just so eye-gasmic, you can't help but say, damn, they're hella great.

Q: What's your biggest inspiration?

A: Everything. I see beauty everywhere. What's not beautiful about our world?

Q: Do you follow that stereotype that creative minds work best at night?

A: Sadly, yes. Sometimes I stay up till the birds start chirping finishing a poem.

Q: What's the your ideal working space?

A: As a photographer, a plain coloured wall, preferably white or beige but eye blinding colours like lime green or purple are just as good, a computer and the love of my life, Iris, my d60.

Q: Why'd you pick the arts?

A: Self expression. You can't speak your mind in math, at least not in the same way. I've got a lot on my mind all the time. Art and english helps me relieve those thoughts.

Q: Did you always want to go into the arts?

A: LOL, no. I planned to be a mathematical genuis or a science nerd. I still am. It's kind of hard not to be when both your parents work in banks in IT Programming with a computer science/engineering major. It also doesn't help that math, science and history were their favourite subjects.

Q: What do you want to be?

A: I want to be perfect. But I figure that's an impossibility. We're humans, so perfect is out of our reach. Oh, you mean life wise? I'd like to be a photographer. But to be honest, I'm still hoping for winning the 20 million jackpot and travelling the world with Iris.

Q: Aside from your professional work, what else do you use photography for?

A: Professional? LOL. Photoshoots with friends for fun, an excuse to chill and break out my d60. Need a new profile display picture? Find me. Haha.

Q: Describe yourself in one word.

A: Human.

Q: What are you wishing for?

A: That I find a couple model and a girlfriend who'll let me take countless pictures of her beauty. LMFAO.

Q: Anything else you want to tell your readers?

A: What readers? Uh, thanks for the support you've given me and look forward to my new pieces coming out soon. Sorry for being a lazy fatass that I am.

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