Thursday, July 23, 2009


Just doesn't know what to do, it's not an easy choice and each choice sounds like it has it's own voice proclaiming it's the better choice.
So now, i'm stuck, not knowing what to do because quite frankly, i think i've fallen a little bit in love with you.
From our late night conversation, to our inner thoughts invasion, and our secretive liaisons.
Who am i to you, as a person?
You say words that make my soul feel warm, but that's just your charm.
I have the same one, and I know how to use it to make a chick melt at my arms.
I just don't know.
We took it slow.
And what do I have to show?
A progress that might have been a bit faster than a snail.
Another nail in my life story tale.
I just don't know.
I'm only human.

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