Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hella Busy.

So, for the weekend, i plan to finish cleaning my room.
I started at 1PM July Four.
But I did write steps to cleaning my room.
I figure I'd share them with you.

Steps to Cleaning my Room
1. Sort out clothes – from what to keep and what to give away
2. Get rid of junk, sort out CDs, throw out random garbage in my room.
3. Get rid of extra bed, place it in basement.
4. Move my bed to the location of the extra bed.
5. Move computer to previous location of my bed.
6. Move my cabinets to the previous location of my computer.
7. Finish with a smiley face! :)

Hopefully I'll get to step four at the least.
I'm just taking a quick break, but if you wanna help me, you know how to reach me!

This is going to be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day.

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