Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Layout !

A new layout, pretty awesome, IMO.
Thanks Karl Nik ! ;)
Uhm, what else.
I guess that's it for now.

Oh, Rafael Casal's mixtape - The Monster - is a pretty sick mixtape.
Almost as dope as Lupe's Enemy of the State mixtape.
Gotta add those to my iPod before the end of tonight.
Hm, that's it for now.
I'm getting hungry, gotta go eat.
Keep checking frequently.
I have an english assignment to write a poem with the same totalitarianism theme as 1984.
It's a challenge, I must say.
And, watch out for Aaron's Life Story.
I'm almost done the rough draft of the story itself.
Hopefully, it'll be as awesome as people highly anticipate it as !

Stay safe.

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