Sunday, June 1, 2008

Addicted to Lumines

Let's warm up.

Hold up - Are your rhymes are copyrighted?
They are? So I hav the right to copy 'em?
But i wont - Cuz i can write better versions
So i will - I feel my sleeping mind emerging

Rising - Like the fame of Wentworth Miller
And yet - My mind is acting like a gambler
Taking a leap of faith when the odds are against me
Praying that I won't be written in the obituary


Hello readers. I know, I have taken a small hiatus from my writings. Only because i have been distracted lately. With what you ask? Something i like to call, daydream. I have been daydreaming a lot recently. Trying to bring up some sort of inspiration from the depths of my mind. With that said, I am proud to announce the start of my new story. For those of you who don't know, which is probably most of you, I usually write love stories that end up in ironic situations. Why? Because I feel like its the one emotion i try to understand. That, plus i have a lot of influence of relationships and situations that it ends up in. I find that love stories can be twisted and turned and plotted up to the point where it has more curves than a curvy line. Enough with random blogging. Time to put a backbone to this site. People have been complaining that this is just random blogging. Which it is. But they said that i should practice my english skills and put it into a proper structure. With that said, I am starting my one specific topic rule. Each blog, i will vent on my thoughts about one specific topic. Feel free to comment about the topic or something totally random. I'd like to get some ideas for new topics to share my opinion for.

Confidence is one of the many gifts you can give to someone. It'll give them the courage to stand up and perform or even to be less shy. Confidence can be brought out from compliments, aspiration and inspiration, and bringing out the best in people. I was at a dance practice visiting my girlfriend. It was the audition for the dance team and i just happened to be there. I'm no dancer. And I emphasize on NO. I don't dance. Grinding doesn't count. A monkey can do that. So i was bored and i tried out their choreography. It was fun i might add. Learning the steps and practicing it to perfection (as perfect as i can make it). For some reason, i ended up trying out for the dance and auditioning. I have no idea how that happened, but i did. I don't know if i made it or not, (somehow doubting that i did), but i'd be pretty damn proud if i did. That's not where my confidence came from that day. It came from the judges who were bringing out what they thought i did well. My first time ever doing choreograph and they thought i did pretty goood. Much love and thanks to the judges of that day. You guys made me more confident about trying new things and i might try again next year.

Another place where i gained some sort of confidence that night was when i was complimented by my friend. One of my other friends was trying to make me jealous, so she "stole" my girlfriend from me. Needless to say, i don't get jealous. It's just how i am. She persisted that i was jealous and just wasn't showing it. Then my friend said how "why does he have to be jealous for? Angelo isn't that type of person. He's so humble." That gave me confidence that i am a good person. Because lately, i've been wondering if i was.

Am i a bad influence or a good influence?

On another note. Thank you for reading and i am also proud to announce that i am thinking of starting a vlog. But don't worry, I will keep on writing down thoughts. Or do a combination of the two? Who knows what the future has in store. I just find it a bit old school to be blogging. Take care readers. Until next time!

1 comment:

ANA said...

"Grinding doesn't count. A monkey can do that."

LOOOOOOL! I don't grind. I'm too clean for that. haha (: I guess that means monkeys are more talented at dancing than I am. ahaha