Friday, June 6, 2008

Continuing The Journey..

Hold up - Are your rhymes are copyrighted?
They are? So I hav the right to copy 'em?
But i wont - Cuz i can write better versions
So i will - I feel my sleeping mind emerging

Rising - Like the fame of Wentworth Miller
And yet - My mind is acting like a gambler
Taking a leap of faith when the odds are against me
Praying that I won't be written in the obituary

I write my wrongs hoping to be saved
So I let my thoughts bring me to my grave
Pessimistic thoughts are forbidden in here
So be optimistic when your facing your fears

Face your fears? That's calling upon death
I'll fight off temptation up to my very last breath
Stay away habits, I don't need you anymore
I fought you off before, I kicked you out the door

I love it how i see you everywhere even when i think i'm free
It's like your always on my mind - or is it that you're stalking me?
Every corner, every hiding spot, i see you with your shining eyes
Smiling an evil smug, while i'm trying to say goodbye

You must be deaf, i know you can hear me clearly
I'm screaming as loud as i can, please leave me be
I don't need you anymore, i don't need your company
I locked you in the depths of my mind and lost the only key

So why is it you return when I feel truly happy?
I can hear you breaking free, screaming "love me!"
But i don't feel that way about you, just let me go
Like Jesus said, Man cannot live only on dough

Yes, I'll admit i gave in easily, back when i was a fiend
I hear them calling out to me asking where have i been?
Old habits die hard, but i refuse to give up
I recognize my mistakes, enough is enough

I'm happy where i am right now, so please leave me alone
You should be proud that i don't need you, I'm on my own
Yes, old habits do die hard, but i keep mine under control
I let them free sometimes, but only cuz they keep me whole

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